Sunday, March 4, 2012

Busy? I think so...

Obviously, I am just about as good at this as I figured.  We're in the third month of 2012, and my last post unfortunately still has the numbers 2-0-1-1 after it.  There is way too much to even begin to tell without writing a novel!  My baby boy has 2 bottom teeth and loves to chew on anything he can get towards his mouth.  One thing I can say that's happened within the past week or so is he is finally "reaching" out towards us to pick him up.  That's a pretty heart-wrenching thing when he looks up at you from his saucer toy thingy and just raises his arms up.  My boy is growing up SO fast!  Mommy has been hard at work on her embroidery machine trying to make as many cute onesies as she can.

One of our traditions we have is Harper and Daddy getting a picture every morning to send to mommy at work.  She doesn't like having to leave him all day, but she sure is happy that daddy has to take Harper to the babysitter, because that's something she swears she wouldn't be able to do.

I can't wait to see what the coming months hold, because as of yesterday my baby boy was already 5 months old!  I'm sure there will be plenty of laughs and plenty of tears, but as hard as it is to believe it'll all be over one day.  Every time Harper looks up at us and smiles, we thank God for giving us something we didn't deserve!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mommy's Back To Work

I think the hardest thing for Kim was having to go back to work and leave baby Harper for an entire day.  All I heard all day long was I can't wait to get home and see my baby boy!  But she has successfully made it through the past 4.5 days of work without going crazy, so things are looking up.

Christmas is right around the corner and just like every other year, I can't wait!  I'm so grateful I have a wife and family that enjoys giving so much more than receiving.  I personally cant wait to give Kim all of her gifts this year (and no, I'm not going to list them out Kim so stop getting your hopes up!).  Good gifts are so much fun, but also so hard to keep contained over periods of time!

Harper is now continually smiling, and we even get a few small laughs here and there.  We definitely can't wait to hear him laughing non-stop at our every smile and action.

We've officially started our routine bath time with daddy, which I'm grateful he enjoys thoroughly!  I spend everyday just waiting for 9:00 and us to spend that time together.  It's the one time we can tell mommy to go to another room because this is guy hangout time!  He finally slept what we are calling "all through the night" last night which, of course, was to our liking!  Although now that we have a recliner to feed, rock and fall back asleep in, the night feedings weren't too terrible but we'll definitely take sleep over anything!

Here's to many more happy bath times, smiles and laughs!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No more putting it off...

I keep saying, "man, I need to do another blog before I forget things to say" and then I forget to do another blog.  Therefore, the time has come once again.

My baby boy just turned 8 weeks old this past Monday and his "two month" old birthday is right around the corner.  I can't believe how fast time is flying by.  Over the last couple of weeks we've finally seen him start smiling at us as we talk to him.  Of course, his mommy couldn't make it through his first real smiles without shedding a few "happy tears".  Although I still believe his favorite times so far are sitting next to his daddy and watching football (yet, I think his mommy would disagree).

I've been told he is starting to really look like me, which I'm not necessarily too happy about because his mommy had much better genes to pull from than I.  But I guess when his DNA went swimming, it was my gene pool they thought felt the best.

It's been a crazy 8 weeks, but I wouldn't ask for a more wonderful wife or son to spend them with!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quickest month of my life...

Let's be honest.  No matter how many times he screams at the top of his lungs at 2am, pees in his own face, pees in your face, shoots rockets out his rear, cries a little more at 4am, spits his pacifier out of his mouth when you know he really wants it, chugs his milk faster than a mouse in a derby race, refuses to stop crying long enough to just take a picture, and wakes up screaming again at 5:45am, there is still a love so deep and a cherishing of those, sometimes few, quiet moments when he looks up at you and just stares and smiles.  It's a speechless moment in time that I wouldn't give up for the world.

He hit the big one-month mark today, and still changing more and more each and every day.  I was proud earlier, where though only for a short time, he's reached up and held his own bottle.  Apparently very displeased with how I was performing the task.

The reality of it is, it's the other VIP in my life that's made this last month possible.  Without her un-imaginable patience, loving smile, and willingness to do anything for her son it WOULD NOT have been possible.  Just trust me on that.  My hat is off to any father, rather by choice or not, that raises their children all on their own.  It's by no means a task that I would even want to think about, much less to become a reality.  Thank you Kimberly for the countless hours spent raising your son!  One day (and yes, probably already) he'll be grateful he was blessed enough to call you "mommy".

Harper Elliott.  You're the world to us.  Thank you for the most incredible month of our lives.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Three Weeks? Are You Kidding Me?

I was wondering what to write about at the three week mark, so Harper Elliott decided he would help me out a little.

Well, earlier in the week my little man pulled his first "Free Willy" as a human being.  By this I mean that somewhere around mid-diaper change he decided he was actually not finished with his business, and that it was a good time to continue.  Needless to say no matter how quick you react, the final outcome is never pretty, but always humorous.

All this was brought about because tonight (literally minutes ago) my little man also pulled off his first "Open-Faced Cannon" as a human being.  The key is whenever you think they're done, to always second guess yourself.  This experience was out the other end this time and I would have given anything to measure the PSI of the ammo leaving his body.  The only way to judge, is it was pressure enough to cover at least a good 4 ft. across the changing table.

Oh the things that make us laugh and have a good time as parents!  After washing our hands, of course.  Between these events, and the many expressions that my little buddy makes day in and day out, it makes you love more and more each day becoming a parent!  Aren't we blessed to even be able to experience this precious gift!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 3, 2011 - A Day I'll Never Forget

On October 3, 2011 @ exactly 3:42 pm, a gift was given to Kim and I that no human even deserves to get.  Harper Elliott came into this world with a head full of hair (just like his mommy wanted) and a willingness to love anyone who made him feel welcome in this world.

It's so hard to believe 10 days of changing diapers, what feels like 24 bottles a day, and some sleepless nights have already come and gone!  Each day is a new day of changes and memories, and I'm already beginning to wish in the words of Jim Croce, "If I could save time in a bottle".